I've been using PowerDNS with a SQL backend as a hidden master DNS server for a few years now.
I've been wanting to write a quick shell script to version my DNS zones for a while, and since I've finally taken the time to do so today, I figured I'd share it here.
The script uses PowerDNS API to list the configured zones. It then exports them to a file in an AXFR-like format, commits and finally pushes them on a git repository
For the script to work, we have to activate PowerDNS' API.
To do so, let's create a /etc/powerdns/pdns.d/api.conf
file with the following content :
You should change mysupersecretapikey to an actual secret.
You should also adapt the webserver-address
and webserver-allow-from
to reflect your network configuration.
Once the file is created, we have to restart pdnsd :
systemctl restart pdns.service
N.B. : As with all my other articles, I'm assuming here you're running Debian. The path of the configuration file you have to create or edit might not be the same if you're running another distribution or if you've installed PowerDNS from source.
jq is required for the script to work, so let's install it !
apt install jq
We now have to create a git repository to host our zone files.
To do so, you can follow my previous tutorial on the subject if you want.
I've personnaly migrated my git repos to a self-hosted Gogs installation a while back.
If you don't care about your zones content being public (it already is, technically), you could create a GitHub repo for that use (or on any other available git hosting).
Once you've created your repo, you should clone it on the machine that will run the script. For me, the path to the repo will be /home/captainark/backup/dnsexport
apt install git
mkdir ~/backup && cd ~/backup
git clone ssh://git@git.captainark.net/captainark/dnsexport.git
You should also create a ~/.gitconfig
for the user that will run the script with the following parameters configured :
email = captainark@captainark.net
name = CaptainArk
default = simple
Also, make sure your user can push to the remote server before running the script. The following should work :
cd ~/backup/dnsexport
echo '# DNSEXPORT' > README.md
git add README.md
git commit README.md -m 'adding README'
git push
Once we've finished configuring PowerDNS and Git, we can run the script.
You can copy the following to ~/bin/dnsexport
ZoneList=$(/usr/bin/curl -sH "X-API-Key: ${ApiKey}" ${PdnsZoneUrl} | jq -r '.[].id')
updateremote() {
cd $ExportFolder
git add db.${Zone%.}
git commit -m "Automated commit due to modification on ${Zone%.} at $(date -Iseconds)"
git push
cd -
for Zone in ${ZoneList}; do
CurrentShaSum=$(/usr/bin/sha256sum ${ZoneFile})
/usr/bin/curl -o ${ZoneFile} -sH "X-API-Key: ${ApiKey}" ${PdnsZoneUrl}/${Zone}/export
NewShaSum=$(/usr/bin/sha256sum ${ZoneFile})
[[ ${NewShaSum% *} != ${CurrentShaSum% *} ]] && updateremote
It's nothing fancy, but it does the job.
You'll have to adapt the ApiKey
, PdnsUrl
and ExportFolder
variables to your configuration.
Once that's done, let's fix the permissions on the script :
chmod 700 ~/bin/dnsexport
You should run the script manually once to make sure everything is working OK. If it is, you should see a new commit on the repo for each zone you have configured in PowerDNS.
Once the script has executed once without issue, you can schedule it regularly. I have it running every 10 minutes in my user's crontab :
crontab -e
*/10 * * * * /home/captainark/bin/dnsexport
That's all !
As always, if you've found this article useful, please feel free to make use of the comments section below !
Hopefully it won't take as long before I write another article here next time !