No new blog post here in over 6 years! Like a server's uptime, a streak like that is meant to be broken, I guess?
I won't be writing anything too technical however, just letting people who might find this blog know what I'm up to.
Still alive, uh?
Yeah. Still working in tech, too.
Your blog doesn't look the same as before!
The previous version was built using Hugo, but, uh, a lot changed with that piece of software in the past 6 years, and my site wouldn't build anymore.
Instead of trying to figure out what was broken, and Rust being the future™ and all, I went ahead and migrated everything to Zola using the terminimal theme. No customization aside from what is possible through the config.toml
file to hopefully not have to switch static site generator the next time I decide to write a thing.
So, you plan on writing more articles in the near future then?
Maybe. Probably not, though.
What about updating the existing articles? They're out of date!
Nah, I'm good.
The URL of this blog changed!
Yup. I decided to use the www
from my domain to link to my socials instead.
Where are the comments?
Lost forever to the twisting nether since I've dropped the associated database.
I have a super important question though!
If you want to contact me regarding anything written here, feel free to @ me on any of the socials listed here.